In the words of author and speaker John Maxwell… “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine”.
The quote applies well to various walks of life; be it learning yoga, mastering meditation or becoming fluent in a language. It is equally valid when applied to the art and science of social selling / digital selling. To succeed at social/digital selling, you require a routine. A tried and tested routine of habits. The dictionary defines ‘habit’ as: “a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up”. This definition is made up of two halves: a settled or regular tendency or practice and one that is hard to give up.
From the first half: To succeed at social selling / digital selling you need to execute set habits (behaviours) with regular (daily) tendency. You must have a routine of daily habits and these habits (social selling tactics) must be repeated with consistency and discipline each and every business day till the habits are embedded into our daily sales rhythm and become part and parcel of how we approach sales execution.
From the second half: These social selling tactics must be deeply entrenched to a point where these habits are second nature. They must be so baked in the mindset that they are hard to break.
Top Social Sellers have habits, daily habits, that are components of a daily routine. There is a plethora of information about the tools you can leverage to perform social selling. But what are the habits they must perform on a daily basis? What do the social selling leaders perform, daily?
From managing their time effectively and efficiently to building deep relationships, top social sellers demonstrate similar social mannerisms. Our friends and business partners at Sales for Life, have trained in excess of 65,000 sales professionals on the art and science of social selling. From their research, here are the top 10 habits shared by top social sellers …