Enhancing the success of your business strategies through a strategic advisory board

Reading Time: 11 minutes

In business, success hinges on the effectiveness of your business strategy. It is the roadmap guiding your organisation from its current state to future triumph. Yet, in today’s dynamic tech landscape, a static business strategy is no longer sufficient. Your strategy must evolve continually to meet new challenges, seize opportunities, and stay ahead in the competitive race.

Business strategy is the lifeline of any organisation, shaping its decisions, actions, and destiny. To thrive, you need more than just an internal perspective. You need a team of seasoned experts by your side—individuals offering a wealth of knowledge and experience, all laser-focused on one goal: your organisation’s success.

This blog delves deep into the world of business strategy and explores how aligning your strategic vision with external experts can significantly enhance your ability to navigate the complexities of the tech landscape.

Understanding Business Strategy

In the rapidly evolving tech industry, understanding the essence of business strategy is paramount. It forms the foundation upon which every decision, initiative, and innovation within your organisation rests. I will cover the core components of business strategy and explore why it holds the key to achieving your business goals.

At its essence, a business strategy is a meticulously crafted plan that defines how an organisation intends to compete in its chosen market and how it aspires to grow while maintaining profitability. It is more than just a set of objectives or a collection of ideas; it is a dynamic framework that provides direction and purpose to the entire organisation.

The core components of a robust business strategy include:

Encapsulate your organisation’s overarching purpose and long-term aspirations.

Clear, measurable goals that you aim to achieve within a specific timeframe.

Market Analysis
A deep understanding of your industry, competitors, and target audience, including their needs, preferences, and pain points.

Tactics and Initiatives
The specific actions and projects that you will undertake to achieve your objectives.

Resource Allocation
Determining where and how to allocate your resources, including financial, human, and technological assets.

Risk Assessment
Identifying potential risks and challenges and devising strategies to mitigate them.

A well-defined strategy serves as a guide, ensuring that every decision aligns with your long-term vision. Without a clear strategy, an organisation can easily veer off course, wasting valuable resources and missing out on growth opportunities.

Why a Business Strategy is vital

Now that I have defined business strategy, I will explore why it is crucial for every company.

Direction and focus
A well-crafted strategy provides direction, ensuring everyone in the organisation moves towards a common goal. It prevents a scattered approach where efforts are diluted across various initiatives.

Resource optimisation
It enables efficient allocation of resources. Instead of spreading resources thinly, a strategy helps you concentrate them on high-impact areas, maximising their effectiveness.

Competitive advantage
In the fiercely tech industry, a strategy can help determine your differentiator. It allows you to carve out a unique position, whether through cost leadership, innovation, or specialised services.

A dynamic strategy is adaptable. It anticipates changes in the market and technology landscape, allowing your organisation to pivot and stay relevant.

Risk Management
With a strategy in place, you can proactively identify and mitigate risks, reducing the chances of unexpected setbacks.

Measurable Progress
Clear objectives in your strategy provide quantifiable milestones. This makes it easier to measure progress and make adjustments as needed.

Employee Alignment
A well-communicated strategy aligns your team’s efforts and motivates them by showing how their work contributes to the bigger picture.

The Role of a Strategic Advisory Board

A Strategic Advisory Board, often referred to as a “SAB,” is a select group of external experts and industry veterans with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the tech services sector. Their primary function is to provide insightful guidance and strategic counsel to an organisation’s leadership team, including CEOs, Owners, and General Managers.

But what sets a Strategic Advisory Board apart from other advisory bodies? It’s the strategic element. While advisory boards can serve various functions, a Strategic Advisory Board is specifically designed to focus on high-level, future-oriented strategic matters. They are not involved in day-to-day operations but are deeply engaged in shaping the organisation’s long-term direction.

Complementing traditional business strategies

How does a Strategic Advisory Board complement traditional business strategies? The answer lies in their ability to provide an external, unbiased perspective and expertise that can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of the tech landscape.

While your internal team possesses valuable insights and skills, a Strategic Advisory Board brings fresh eyes and a depth of industry-specific knowledge. They can help identify blind spots, challenge conventional thinking, and offer novel solutions. In essence, they act as a strategic sounding board, helping refine and elevate your existing strategies.

Benefits of a Strategic Advisory Board

The advantages of incorporating a Strategic Advisory Board into your organisation’s strategic decision-making processes are numerous and substantial. Here are some key benefits:

Diverse Expertise
Strategic Advisory Boards are typically composed of individuals with varied backgrounds and expertise. This diversity ensures a broad spectrum of insights and solutions.

Industry Insights
Advisory board members have their fingers on the pulse of the tech industry. They can provide valuable market intelligence and trend analysis.

Unbiased Perspective
Being external to your organisation, board members offer an impartial viewpoint. This can be instrumental in identifying weaknesses and opportunities without internal biases.

Risk Mitigation
With their experience, board members can foresee potential risks and help develop mitigation strategies, safeguarding your organisation’s future.

Innovative Thinking
Fresh ideas and innovative thinking can be catalysts for growth. Advisory boards can inspire creativity within your organisation.

Strategic Networking
Board members often bring extensive networks and connections, opening doors to partnerships, collaborations, and new business opportunities.

Confidence and Credibility
Having a respected Strategic Advisory Board can enhance your organisation’s credibility in the eyes of stakeholders, including clients and investors.

Formulating an effective Business Strategy

Defining your vision
Begin by clearly defining your company’s long-term vision. What do you want to achieve, and what is the ultimate purpose of your business?

Setting top-level objectives
Establish top-level objectives that align with your vision. These objectives should be specific, measurable, and time-bound, providing a clear direction for your organisation.

Analysing your business and the market
Conduct a comprehensive analysis of your business, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). Simultaneously, assess the market dynamics, your competitors, and emerging trends.

Gain competitive advantage
Determine strategies to gain a competitive advantage in your industry. This could involve cost leadership, differentiation, or focus, as discussed earlier.

Building a Strategy Framework
Develop a detailed strategy framework that outlines the actions, resources, and timelines required to achieve your objectives. This framework serves as your strategic roadmap.

Ensuring alignment with your company’s vision
Aligning your strategy with your company’s overarching vision and mission is critical. When your strategy is in harmony with your vision, it becomes a powerful tool for success. This alignment ensures that every action and decision taken within your organisation contributes to the realisation of your long-term goals. It provides your team with a sense of purpose and direction, fostering a cohesive and focused approach to strategy execution.

Measuring strategy success

It is vital that strategies are not just set in motion and left to unfold on their own. To ensure that your business strategy is on the right track and delivering the expected results, it is imperative to measure its success. This ongoing assessment is pivotal in steering your company toward its objectives and adapting to the ever-changing business landscape.

Measuring strategy success serves several critical purposes:

Performance evaluation
It provides a structured approach to evaluating how well your business strategy is performing against predefined goals and benchmarks.

Course correction
By tracking progress, you can identify areas where your strategy is falling short and make necessary adjustments promptly.

Resource allocation
Measuring success helps in optimising resource allocation. You can allocate resources more effectively to initiatives that are driving positive outcomes.

It holds teams and individuals accountable for their roles in executing the strategy. Clear metrics make it easier to identify areas that need improvement.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, are quantifiable metrics that provide tangible insights into the effectiveness of your business strategy. These metrics are tailored to your specific goals and objectives, offering a way to track progress and make informed decisions. While the choice of KPIs may vary from one organisation to another, here are some common KPI categories:

Financial KPIs
These metrics focus on financial health and profitability. Examples include revenue growth, profit margins, return on investment (ROI), and cash flow.

Customer Satisfaction KPIs
Understanding your customers’ satisfaction and loyalty is crucial. Examples include Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and customer retention rate.

Operational KPIs
These metrics assess the efficiency of your internal processes. Examples include cycle time, inventory turnover, and employee productivity.

Market and Competitive KPIs
Keeping an eye on your market position and competition is vital. Market share, customer acquisition cost (CAC), and competitive benchmarking fall under this category.

Innovation and Growth KPIs
These KPIs measure your ability to innovate and adapt to change. Metrics such as research and development (R&D) investment, new product launches, and market expansion can be included.

Employee Performance KPIs
Employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity contribute to overall success. Employee turnover rate, training and development metrics, and performance evaluations are relevant here.

Sustainability and CSR KPIs
For organisations focusing on sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR), metrics like carbon footprint reduction, charitable contributions, and ethical sourcing can be crucial.

Remember that the choice of KPIs should align with your strategic objectives and be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). Regularly reviewing and analysing these KPIs empowers you to make data-driven decisions, refine your strategy, and ultimately enhance your business’s chances of success.

Types of Business Strategies

It is important to note that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Companies must carefully choose the strategy that best aligns with their goals and their competitive landscape. Here are some fundamental types of business strategies:

Cost Leadership
In a cost leadership strategy, a company aims to become the low-cost producer in its industry. This allows them to offer products or services at competitive prices while maintaining healthy profit margins. Cost leadership strategies rely on efficient operations, economies of scale, and tight cost control.

Differentiation strategies focus on creating unique and distinct products or services that stand out in the market. Companies employing this strategy often charge premium prices, emphasising quality, innovation, and brand value. Differentiation can be a powerful way to build customer loyalty and gain a competitive edge.

The focus strategy centres on serving a specific market segment exceptionally well. Instead of trying to appeal to a broad audience, companies adopting this strategy target a niche with specialised products or services. This approach allows for tailored marketing and often commands premium pricing within the chosen segment.

The 4 O’s of Strategy

What specific goals does your strategy aim to achieve? Objectives provide clarity and direction, helping organisations stay focused on their desired outcomes.

Strategies should capitalise on existing and emerging opportunities in the market. Identifying and seizing opportunities can lead to growth and competitive advantage.

Efficient operations are the backbone of a successful strategy. How a company executes its plan, manages resources, and operates efficiently greatly influences strategy outcomes.

Your organisation’s structure, culture, and capabilities play a vital role in strategy execution. Aligning the organisation with the strategy ensures everyone works toward the same goals.

Understanding these business strategy types and the 4 O’s is essential for CEOs and business leaders looking to enhance their strategic decision-making and drive business success.

Enhancing Business Strategy success with a Strategic Advisory Board

Integrating a Strategic Advisory Board
How to seamlessly incorporate this valuable resource into your strategic decision-making process:

Identify your needs
Begin by identifying the specific areas where your organisation can benefit from external expertise. This could include areas such as market expansion, technology adoption, risk management, or even leadership development. Clarifying your needs helps you find the right advisors.

Assemble the right team
Carefully select individuals who bring diverse skills, knowledge, and perspectives to the table. Look for advisors with a track record of success in areas relevant to your strategic goals. Your Strategic Advisory Board should complement your existing team’s capabilities.

Define roles and expectations
Clearly define the roles and expectations of your advisory board members. What input do you need from them? How often will you meet? What are the specific objectives they will help you achieve? Setting clear expectations ensures everyone is on the same page.

Foster open communication
Create an environment where open and candid discussions can take place. Encourage advisors to challenge assumptions, ask tough questions, and provide honest feedback. This can lead to more robust and well-rounded strategies.

Regularly engage with the board
Maintaining regular communication and engagement with your Strategic Advisory Board is essential. Schedule periodic meetings to review progress, discuss challenges, and adjust your strategy as needed. Consistent interaction ensures that their insights remain relevant.

Leveraging Strategic Advisory Board expertise

The diverse expertise of your board members can significantly enhance your strategy and decision-making processes. Here is why leveraging advisory board expertise is significant:

Fresh perspectives
Advisory board members bring fresh, unbiased perspectives to the table. They can identify opportunities and threats that might have gone unnoticed within your organisation.

Specialised knowledge
Advisors often possess specialised knowledge in their respective fields. This can be particularly valuable when your strategy involves complex areas like technology adoption, regulatory compliance, or international expansion.

Risk mitigation
With their experience, advisory board members can help you anticipate and mitigate risks effectively. Their insights can lead to more informed risk management decisions.

Networking opportunities
Advisors often have extensive networks that you can tap into. Whether it is forging strategic partnerships or accessing new markets, these connections can open doors to growth opportunities.

Accelerated growth
Companies that worked closely with their advisory boards reported faster growth rates and expanded market presence.

Innovative solutions
Advisors can inspire innovation by introducing novel approaches and ideas to overcome challenges.

Enhanced decision-making
Businesses often experience more confident and well-informed decision-making with the guidance of advisory boards.

Incorporating a Strategic Advisory Board into your organisation is not just a matter of seeking external advice; it’s about leveraging a diverse pool of expertise to enhance your strategy’s chances of success. By integrating their insights into your strategic planning, you’re positioning your company for a brighter and more successful future.


In the highly competitive tech industry, success hinges on two fundamental pillars: a well-defined business strategy and the strategic guidance of an Advisory Board. Your business strategy is your compass, guiding every decision, every action, and every innovation. It’s the key to maintaining focus, optimising resources, and gaining a competitive edge. But it’s not a solitary pursuit. It thrives when complemented by the valuable insights and expertise of a Strategic Advisory Board.

A Strategic Advisory Board, composed of industry experts, offers fresh perspectives, specialised knowledge, and risk mitigation strategies. It is significant in driving innovation, accelerating growth, and enhancing decision-making. Together, your strategy and Advisory Board can unlock new opportunities and steer your organisation toward its long-term vision.

It is vital to remember that a successful strategy isn’t static. It’s a living, breathing plan that adapts to change, seizes opportunities, and propels your organisation forward. The synergy of strategy and a Strategic Advisory Board can lead you to remarkable success.

Enhance your organisation’s success with Resonate’s strategic advisory services.

At Resonate, we specialise in strategic advisory services. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve your organisation’s goals. As your partner, we will enhance your strategy, drive innovation, and help your organisation stay ahead of the competition. Get in touch to discuss your journey towards strategic excellence with Resonate. Visit our Strategy Services page for more information on what we offer.

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FAQs – Addressing common questions

What is a business strategy?
A business strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines an organisation’s long-term goals and the steps it will take to achieve them. It encompasses decisions about target markets, competitive positioning, resource allocation, and more. A well-crafted business strategy serves as a roadmap for success.

What should a good strategy include?
A good business strategy includes several key elements: a clear vision, well-defined objectives, a thorough analysis of the business environment, strategies to gain a competitive advantage, and a framework for implementation. It should also be adaptable to changing circumstances.

What is the difference between a plan and a strategy?
While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they have distinct differences. A plan outlines the specific actions and steps required to achieve a goal, often in a detailed and time-bound manner. In contrast, a strategy is a broader approach that defines the overall direction and methods for reaching the goal. Think of a strategy as the “what” and a plan as the “how.”

How do you define a strategy?
Defining a strategy involves articulating your organisation’s long-term goals and how you intend to achieve them. It requires understanding your competitive landscape, market dynamics, and your unique value proposition. An effective strategy should provide guidance and direction to your entire organisation.

What is a business strategy to succeed?
A business strategy to succeed is one that aligns your organisation’s resources, capabilities, and actions with your long-term objectives. It should enable you to adapt to changes in the market, leverage your strengths, and address weaknesses. Success hinges on effective execution of the strategy.

What is a business strategy example?
A business strategy example could involve a technology company aiming to become a market leader by focusing on product innovation, expanding into emerging markets, and forming strategic partnerships with complementary firms. This strategy outlines the “how” behind achieving their vision.

How do you write a business strategy?
Writing a business strategy involves several steps: defining your vision and objectives, conducting a SWOT analysis, assessing market dynamics, selecting competitive strategies, and creating a detailed implementation plan. It is a comprehensive process that requires input from key stakeholders.

What goes a good strategy look like?
A good strategy is characterised by clarity, alignment with the organisation’s mission and vision, adaptability to changing circumstances, a focus on competitive advantage, and a well-thought-out execution plan. It should guide decision-making at all levels of the organisation.

Navigating the world of business strategy can be complex, but these frequently asked questions provide valuable insights into the fundamentals. Whether you’re defining your strategy or considering the integration of a Strategic Advisory Board, these answers serve as valuable reference points.

RK is the CEO & Co-Founder of Resonate.

RK is Resonate’s chief strategist, thought leader, and IT industry veteran. Our clients depend on RK to advise on their business strategy, channel strategy, and sales strategy. 

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